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Cameron Emett
2 min readJun 24, 2021


Imagine your ass hole being torn open, your stomach feeling like its being pounded by sledgehammers, and being so disorientated you can’t stand without holding on to something. Sounds terrible at first glance, I’m sure.

Now imagine all of that, hugging your bucket, gripping the toilet seat — plus the feeling of totally exalted euphoria… with a smile and a laugh and a grit and determination for life that cannot be broken and nobody can take away from you.

This is the reality of the medicine of the plants. Not pretty, not easy, not effortless, but beautiful nonetheless. Because in the depths of your intestines is the remnants of a life and way of being that is just not serving you anymore, and when you are ready to do the work, face yourself head on with no distractions and when you are ready to let go of who you think you are.. las plantas are ready for you to take the leap.

TalkingCacti is an idea under construction from a lone Aussie travelling Latin America in search for ancient culture, deeper meaning, and even a shred of truth. Unfortunately, but not actually all that unfortunate, the truth involves the shit on the wall and on your track pants, because it’s not all “love and light.” Some experiences can leave you shook, some experiences will want to scare you off forever. Some people have died from their experiences, others have been re-traumatised. This is not for the feint of heart..

Beautiful Pisac, under clouds — taken by moi

But it IS for the re-emergence of nature based spirituality, the re-inclusion of light and energy workers into our professional field, and the re-surging and growing respect for all life and spirits on this earth that is our home— the plants, the trees, the insects and animals, the billions of micro-organisms that take refuge in the soil and even our fellow humans (the good the bad and everything in between).

Fortunately, and actually extremely fortunate, shit is actually a tremendous resource when composted correctly and not flushed down the toilet… But composting and permaculture practises will have to wait until the gates to AusLand re open, for now I can only offer my experiences, my perspectives, and my sense of humour. Because there is shit on my track pants, my stomach did take an absolute whopping, and my smile has never been stronger.



Cameron Emett

Cactus grower, medicine enthusiast, trail wanderer? Bodywork and myotherapist, I read Chinese medicine for fun. AMP is OG but have you listened to Superfeast?